Sunday, March 18, 2018

Day 33: Hold in Sanctity - Judica

Dear Christians never cease to pray
For faith and love these latter days,
For marriage, life, and family,
That all be held in sanctity.
In these latter days, the steely tools of science and social engineering
        invade and tamper with everything
        -- all in the promise of improving and extending life.

- The most sacred spaces, the womb and the egg, are invaded.
- The most holy institution of marriage is denigrated, redefined.

We are simply awash in a sea of materialism
        where nothing is sacred, nothing holy.

But this tampering does not enhance life, as the serpent promised;
        it only brings death.

This week we explore a few of the monstrous ethical issues which arise when marriage, life and family are not held in sanctity. Though overpowered and surrounded, we do not lose hope.
Rather, we begin with ceaseless prayer and confidently expect our Savior’s coming.

We beseech Thee, Almighty God, mercifully to look upon Thy people: that by Thy great goodness; they may be governed and preserved evermore both in body and soul, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. (Judica).

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